Giving / Ways to Give / Annual Giving / Alumni Giving
Alumni Giving
Pay it forward
You are one of more than 90,000 alumni in over 70 countries across the world who can call the College of Charleston their Alma Mater. You’re the lifeblood of our global university community and hold the power to make a real difference with your giving—at any level.
During your time at CofC, you benefited from the generosity of others, and now is a perfect time to pay it forward. The College depends on your support.
You may not be aware that:
- Thousands of students benefit from annual gifts. In fact, more than 68% of all students receive some type of financial aid or scholarship support. The College of Charleston is committed to recruiting the most academically qualified students regardless of their financial circumstances. More than 240 students received scholarship support last year through the College of Charleston Fund which allowed them to focus more on academics and rely less on part-time work and loans.
- Tuition only covers roughly half of the actual cost of educating a College of Charleston student. The support that the College of Charleston Fund provides each year is one of the primary philanthropic sources bridging the gap between what tuition provides and the College’s total operating budget
- Annual giving results in a substantial immediate impact on campus. Consider, the annual economic impact from the College of Charleston Fund is equivalent to an additional $26 million in the College’s endowment.
Make your gift today »
Interested in Creating or Supporting an Alumni Scholarship?
Support an existing Alumni scholarship
The Alumni Association has proudly offered scholarships since 1961. Some of our scholarships are open only to children and relatives of alumni, but others are open to all students. Support alumni scholarships by donating online today »Create a new scholarship
Many of our alumni choose to give back by creating scholarships because they themselves were a recipient of a scholarship. There are two ways to create a scholarship »
Are you on the 2021/2022 CofC Alumni Honor Roll yet?
Give to the Alumni Fund between now and June 30 to be added to the Alumni Honor Roll. Check for your name here »
Alumni Giving Opportunities
Want to get in touch?
Tate Blanton
Director, Alumni Annual Giving
Phone: (843) 953-7108
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424